Window Film Cleaning
Since window film is actually less porous than glass, it won’t require cleaning as often after installation. When you’re ready to clean your windows, make sure to use either a mixture of mild dish detergent and water or any commercial glass cleaner. Always opt for a soft, non-abrasive towel or cloth for cleaning. If using paper towels, make sure to pick a softer option as some coarser choices can leave fine scratches. Never use anything abrasive like a brush or hard sponge on your window film. A squeegee or soft cloth are also good options for drying post-cleaning. We recommend never leaving moisture on top of your film as this may lead to moisture issues that can turn to bubbles or other concerns with your window film.
No other additional maintenance is needed but you can also apply silicone polish from time to time in order to improve luminosity and help prevent scratches.